Got questions?

Check out the FAQ section, where you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions.


If you’d rather talk to me, send me an email, and I’d be delighted to chat.

Email: [email protected]

Ready to get started?

Please fill out the questionnaire below, being as straightforward as possible, and let’s get creative! I can’t wait to work with you!

Commonly Asked Questions

Is your service available for international clients?

Yes, without a doubt! Whether your home is thousands of miles away or simply right next to my location, I am here to quickly & easily help you redesign and pull your dream space together in your preferred style and on your budget.

Can I get an estimate for the redesigning without having anyone visit my home?

Yes, you can! My services are 100% remote, and I do not need to visit your home or space before providing you with an estimate. That’s why I get clients from all over the world!

Do you have any hidden charges apart from the services fee?

No, I don’t. I am 100% transparent about fees and charges that are applicable to using my services. No strings attached!

What if the design isn’t to my liking? Do you provide revisions?

I offer two revisions if you don’t like the design in the Premium Package; the number of revisions you receive for the other packages will depend on your custom package.

How do I know I can get the items on my shopping list shipped to my location?

For your convenience and ease of access, I make sure to ONLY choose items from online shops that are available in your country.

Can I work with you, or do I have to work with someone else?

You get to work with me, an interior designer who will PERSONALLY walk you through every step of your home redesigning process and work with you to transform your home on a budget!

What advantages do 3D renderings have?

3D renderings are photorealistic and will greatly improve your ability to picture your space’s appearance after all the changes have been made. In addition, they will include items like furniture, accessories, and more that closely resemble the real objects.

What if I don`t need the 3D renderings? I simply need a consultation.

It’s not a problem. Check out my Custom-Tailored Package, a specially tailored package made just for you and your needs.

If I don’t have a floor plan, what should I do?

Don’t worry. I will provide you with specific instructions in the Client Welcome Packet that will enable you to gather all the information I need.

Can I replace or remove walls?

You might be able to, but first, you’ll need to consult an experienced engineer before we can start the redesign process.

What is a Client Welcome Packet?

The Client Welcome Packet is a packet that I have designed to give you an in-depth look into everything you should expect during the course of redesigning your space and also give you specific instructions to follow in any situation.

Can you advise me on how to make the most of my space?

Yes, for sure. There are many factors to consider when you want to transform your house into a functional and comfortable home, for example, the lighting, the appropriate finishes, texture, balance, and many others. I’m here to help you find what’s best for you.

Are mood boards the same as sample boards?

No, they are not. Mood boards help you envision the end result you desire for your home redesign by inspiring you to imagine the kind of color, furniture, pattern texture, mood, etc that you’d like in your home. 

While a sample board will show you all products and items that I have handpicked for your home redesign, with clickable links to where you can purchase each item.